Welcome to the NGO Forum
To the Convention on Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage
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Welcome to participate.
Egil Bakka
Main editor
Comments (Show all 113)
Harriet Deacon said
at 1:20 pm on May 30, 2012
Hi everyone
I agree with Valentina, and Rahul that NGO voices need to be heard by researchers, and vice versa. If we improve the inter-sectoral dialogue and make it concrete - about case studies - then I think we can also begin to talk more concretely about the issue Rahul and many others are raising about the link to sustainable development and community engagement. I think it's important to outline some of the areas needing further work, which is why we asked for suggestions from this forum for areas of focus that you consider important. Thanks to those who emailed us with suggestions to make in the final session on research trends.
Looking forward to seeing some of you in Paris, and maybe at the ACHS conference in Sweden. Toshi will apparently be putting the papers for the Paris meeting on the researchers forum website, but I did not see them there yet.
all the best
Harriet Deacon said
at 1:31 pm on May 30, 2012
PS, and it's great when we have people who have both worked in the NGO environment and done research - that helps the dialogue a lot
Egil Bakka said
at 1:32 pm on May 30, 2012
Welcome to Marilyn Truscott President ICOMOS Committee of Intangible Cultural Heritage, who has just asked for access.
feldborg said
at 12:35 pm on Jun 1, 2012
Hello! Quite busy time nowadays, so I have been following the forum with halfclosed eyelids. However i will join you in the Paris meeting (with open eyes and ears!) next week and will update myself on comments in our forum by then. As Eivind writes, I will be present on NHUs and Eivinds behalf. However, I have to shorten my presence, from wednesday evening till friday. I look forward to see you all. Dag
at 9:17 pm on Jun 4, 2012
Hello NGO friends,
Finally, NGO meeting will be held tomorrow(5th. june ) morning (9 a.m). in room 9 of UNESCO Headquarters.
see you
Egil Bakka said
at 11:14 am on Jun 7, 2012
Welcome new users, I am sorry that I am not with you in Paris. Right now I am on to Finland to be oponent for a dr. defense.
I wish you the best of luck with your work, sn please be sure to upload reports here. Go to the to top, click Pages and files, then Sidebar, and there you can find the appropriate boxes for uploading files or links.
I miss being with you
Albert van der Zeijden Dutch Centre for Intangible Heritage said
at 9:16 am on Jun 8, 2012
Albert van der Zeijden Dutch Centre for Intangible Heritage said
at 9:38 am on Jun 8, 2012
During the general assembly in Paris, Diego Gradis, from the Swiss NGO Traditions pour demain, intervened on behalf of the NGO's present. A French proposal was adopted to think on what could be role of the NGO's in the UNESCO convention. Their will be a proposal which is going to be discussed during the next UNESCO meeting in Grenada, later this year. Diego outlined the importance of the NGO's in implementing the UNESCO convention, as experts in community involvement and in safeguardingpractices. He also said that the NGO forum would gladly participate in the discussion in preparing the proposal on the NGO's for the Grenada meeting.
Earlier the NGO's present in Paris, had already decided they will try to organise a little conference in Grenada, focussed on community participation. Wim van Zanten will be the initiator of this. Also he will write a little report on the general assembly meeting in Paris, for the NGO's, so they will know what was discussed in Paris.
Wim van Zanten said
at 9:53 am on Jun 10, 2012
Dear all,
1. My report about the NGO meetings during the General Assembly (and the GA itself in Paris, 4-8 June 2012) will come in about a week.
2. The text of most presentations at the Forum of ICH researchers in the Maison des Cultures du Monde, Paris, 3 June 2012, can already be found on that site (http://www.ichresearchers-forum.org/).
3. At the NGO meetings in Paris we decided that we shall start organising a NGO Forum in Grenada, Nov 2012, with a business meeting and a symposium with the general theme Community participation. There will be an introductory text on the theme of the symposium and from the speakers we shall expect an abstract of about 250-400 words. This will also be announced on the UNESCO site (http://www.unesco.org/culture/ich/, NGO, institutions and experts). More information to follow.
Wim van Zanten
A.Galla said
at 11:44 am on Jun 10, 2012
Thanks Wim,
My apologies for not being able to be in Paris last week.
I sincerely appreciate the updates and look forward to your report.
Warm regards to all,
Richenel Ansano said
at 12:56 pm on Jun 10, 2012
Thanks so much for all this Wim. I am sorry I was not aware of the researchers forum for this year. I look forward to your report and to the next researchers forum. The current texts seem quite relevant for some of the work our organization is doing and planning to do in the next year.
Best regards,
Harriet Deacon said
at 11:12 am on Jun 11, 2012
Thanks Wim
I'm pleased we will start planning for the Grenada meeting in advance and that there will be a focus on content issues. There the NGO forum and the researchers forum should be working together for maximum impact.
We must just also ensure that the focus is on broadening the debate so people who can't be there can also make inputs.
all the best
Egil Bakka said
at 6:33 pm on Jun 22, 2012
Welcome to an new member of the group, a newly accredited NGO with the email address
Egil Bakka said
at 7:14 pm on Jun 29, 2012
Welcome to Stephen Rwagweri Executive Director Engabu Za Tooro as new member of the NGO forum
Wim van Zanten said
at 7:32 pm on Jul 2, 2012
I have just finished the report by Diego Gradis and me about the General Assembly that took place between 4 and 8 June in Paris. The file is "12-07-02 report GA 2012 for NGO Forum.pdf".
Wim van Zanten
Egil Bakka said
at 12:16 pm on Jul 20, 2012
Welcome to roxana.blaj@consumers-proetction.ro as new member of NGO forum
Wim van Zanten said
at 3:29 pm on Jul 23, 2012
The proposed agenda for the NGO Forum to be held in Grenada has just been uploaded ("12-07-23 Agenda NGO Forum Grenada"). This is a temporary version that may be revised. If you want to take part as a presenter in the symposium 'Community participation; Results of the 2003 UNESCO convention', please read the details on how to submit an abstract (deadline 1 September 2012).
Wim van Zanten
Wim van Zanten said
at 8:09 pm on Sep 19, 2012
NGO Forum at the 7th Intergovernmental Committee meeting: 2 December 2012, Paris
The time and place of the 7th IG Committee meeting have been changed and therefore the NGO Forum will now take place in Paris on Sunday 2 December 2012 from 10 a.m. – 17 p.m.
Place: ´Maison des associations du 7ème arrondissement´, 4, rue Amélie, 75007 Paris. Building open at 9:30 a.m.
There will be no interpreters and the used language will be English.
As the number of seats is limited (60), participants are asked to register before 24 November 2012 with Jorijn Neyrinck (info@tapisplein.be), by supplying (1) first name, (2) last name, (3) institution (NGO/ State/ Centre, ...) and (4) whether attending the morning session (symposium), afternoon session (business for NGO representatives) or both.
See a map and more information on the symposium and business meeting in the document "12-09-19 Agenda NGO Forum Paris - 2 December 2012" on this PbWorks site.
Jorge Gustavo Caicedo said
at 11:57 pm on Oct 2, 2012
Congratulations, nice to join in and see good friends. I´ll see you all in December
Rajiv Trivedi said
at 3:15 pm on Oct 10, 2012
Sure Jorge. It would be nice meeting you again.
Egil Bakka said
at 10:34 pm on Oct 3, 2012
Welcome to our forum, Jorge. Good to have you here.
Egil Bakka said
at 1:57 pm on Oct 10, 2012
Welcome to the new user behind the email: circolo@zampogna.org
Rajiv Trivedi said
at 3:17 pm on Oct 10, 2012
I have visited their website. They are doing great work with Bagpipes. Nice to have them with us on this forum
Antonietta Caccia said
at 2:33 pm on Oct 11, 2012
Many thanks to everybody for the welcome. See you in Paris in December
Antonietta Caccia
Egil Bakka said
at 1:05 pm on Nov 29, 2012
Welcome to several new users, it is so good to see that we are becoming more all the time
Albert van der Zeijden Dutch Centre for Intangible Heritage said
at 8:33 am on Dec 3, 2012
Yesterday’s meeting of the NGO’s in Paris was a big success, more than 50 NGO’s attended. The discussion topic selected was Community and community involvement and how the NGO’s could contribute to this central issue of the UNESCO convention. A statement is now being prepared for the meeting of the intergovernmental committee.
Egil Bakka said
at 12:22 pm on Dec 4, 2012
The NGO-forum members are working and a resolution was elabourated yesterday, Monday. It is now uploaded in the folder of NGO statements. Jorijn has made a list of NGO participants which is uploaded in the folder of Reports. Also, please note that anyone who have status as writers in this Wiki that they can comment here, but also upload files and edit content. Thank you for all the very good work that is done.
Eivind Falk said
at 12:46 pm on Dec 4, 2012
No doubt that this NGO-forum is a new big step forward for the us. I also think that the resolution turned out to be a good statement for us. A drawback this time is that we have no streaming of the forum. As this meeting is relevant for other NGOs that can not be present, I think we should pay attention to this in front of the next meeting.
Nomindari Shagdarsuren said
at 2:15 pm on Dec 4, 2012
It is my pleasure to join this forum and thank you very much for this great job :)
I hope to see you in the future in different meetings!
Best regards,
Nomindari Shagdarsuren (Nomiko)
Foundation for the protection of natural and cultural heritage (Mongolia)
Eivind Falk said
at 2:36 pm on Dec 4, 2012
Welcome Nomindari! Wonderful to have you here, and that you joined the NGO-forum
Egil Bakka said
at 10:27 pm on Dec 6, 2012
Fra: Egil Bakka
Sendt: 6. desember 2012 22:19
Til: 'Rosalinda Namises'; cjmineiro@uol.com.br
Kopi: tapis plein * jorijn; BABAGANA ABUBAKAR; Ananya Bhattacharya; Daniel Anastasov; rose_mbah@yahoo.co; circolo.zampogna@tiscali.it; Chiara BORTOLOTTO; Severine Cachat; humanheritage.org; pierre julien; Gabriele Desiderio; Heather Doherty; Maria Fernanda Escallon; eivind@nhu.no; Dag Feldborg; paolo@appennino4p.it; amélia frazão moreira; Antoine Gauthier; Traditions pour Demain; selcangurcayir@gmail.com; FOLKLAND TRIKARIPUR KERALA; Joanneo@museumsgalleriesscotland.org.uk; ki léonce; Evelyn Go; Guillaume Labois; indigenousknowledgemalawi@yahoo.com; Anaí; Carmen D Padilla; Emil Pavlov; Razafindrazaka Désiré; Eva Romankova; engabu tooro; Reseau Culturel Europeen; Julie Taylor; magdalena.tovornik@gmail.com; tuuhsoyol@gmail.com; catchmalawi@yahoo.com; Valentina Zingari; wawaindigeniouspeoples@gmail.com; Marc Jacobs; RUITER Zeijden; francis gichuru; Helena Drobna
Emne: SV: Voluntariat
Egil Bakka said
at 10:27 pm on Dec 6, 2012
Dear all,
I left this morning from Paris, and it is excellent to see so many people volunteering.
I give you 3 proposals:
1. Please go to the NGO-forum website and see if you can sign in if you have not done so already. Your username is you email, and if you forgot your password you can ask the automatic service to send you. If not, register and send a little greeting so that we know you are there. There are very few who has actually written anything.
2. At the meeting where I was present, two of you, from Italy, I think, volunteered for a group on the webpage. Please send me an email, so that we can get in touch.
3. I have made a new folder for working groups. I suggest more of you initiate a working group by naming the group and making a folder and page for it in that folder. Just click folders and files on the top. Go down to NGO Working Groups. Click to get into the folder.
There you find a folder for NGO Working Groups on webpages, and inside there one can upload files or create new pages (discussion forums) or folders. The New groups can make their folder inside the NGO Working Groups folder.
If you need help, tell me, and give me the name, and I can make what you need.
Best wishes
at 6:18 am on Dec 26, 2012
Dear all,
I am Jin, working with Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation(CHF).
Korea Cultrual Heritage Foundation(CHF) is seeking your NGO's information, pictures and ICH activities which will be published on our ICH NGO NEWSLETTER.
We are kindly asking your cooperation to publish our ICH NGO Newsletter, and I think it can be a good opportunity to let many people know about your NGO's activities.
On our website ( www.chf.or.kr), youy can see our on-line newsletter. (ICH NGO Networking - Resource Center)
Please send me your NGOs' activities and pictures! (ASAP)
Best regards,
at 6:45 am on Dec 26, 2012
VIA my e-mail : sy.jin@chf.or.kr / via.katejin@gmail.com
Egil Bakka said
at 8:56 pm on Feb 5, 2013
Dear Ji
Very good to hear from you. It is kind of you to offer us to be represented in your Newsletter. If you open the folder Files and pages on the top of this page, you will find a folder with our photos. I think you should be able to open and download one or some of the pictures there, and use them in your Newsletter. Unfortunately I do not have the time to write a pice about our NGO forum right now, I hope that some of the other members could do that, and perhaps even offer extra photos.
I hope Jin can be helped that way.
Best wishes
at 1:18 am on Feb 12, 2013
Dear Mr. Egil, Thank you very much for your kind response.
antonioarantes@... said
at 2:57 pm on Jul 10, 2013
Dear all
Long time, no see!
I am happy to send you the link to Vol. 10, No. 1 of Vibrant - Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, the Brazilian Anthropological Association's journal that aims to disseminate anthropology made in Brazil to those who don't speak or read Portuguese. This number includes a dossier in English on Heritage and Museums which I edited with Antonio Motta. I hope you find it useful and would be glad if you could let other interested people and institutions know.
Best wishes
Antonio Arantes (ARTESOL+UNICAMP)
Lia Giancristofaro said
at 10:44 am on May 22, 2014
Hello NGO friends, it's my honour to participate to your mission.... It will be so interesting me to be in Paris with Valentina Zingari and Gabriele Desiderio for the Italian and global ICH improve. I will joint my best energies to that. Ciao PROF Arantes, here in Abruzzo you are ineffaceable. We miss you.
antonioarantes@... said
at 2:20 pm on May 22, 2014
Dear friends. It is good t be back in touch with you. Unfortunately I will not be able to join you in Paris. Carmo Sodré Mineiro, the president of ArteSol, will be there to contribute to the NGOs presence in the GA. Lia, salve! Welcome on board. I miss you guys and our abbruzzese friends as well. Maybe we will get back in touch soon. So I hope.
antonioarantes@... said
at 9:48 pm on Jun 25, 2014
I thought I would see some of you in the meeting organized by ICHCAP at Jeonju. Shame you didn't come! I have tried to post in this site the paper that I will present in a couple of hours at the ICHCAP’s meeting, but I am quite incompetent with IT devices. Still, I hope I managed to do it. I virtually discussed with some of you while writing that paper. So, I hope you might be interested in reading it. Please send your comments if you have any. I look forward to getting in touch with you again. Best regards and warm greetings from Korea. Antonio
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